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  • info@antennatestlab.com

Pattern Angular Resolution

Pattern Angular Resolution

Detail Levels And Pattern Sizes

If you are used to looking at electromagnetic simulator outputs, then a 1 or 2 degree resolution may seem normal. In reality, this could translate into 50,000 physical test directions… way too expensive and time consuming for real antenna test programs. The graphic examples below illustrate increasing test resolution of a real horn antenna’s gain pattern, and conclude with two realistic test resolutions (10 and 5 degrees). We offer 10 degree resolution patterns as a standard for 3D plotting, and we commonly do 5 degree patterns too. Please Contact Us with your requirements or questions. Find out the benefits of measuring your antenna here! 

30 Degree Angular Resolution 3D Spherical Antenna Pattern Plot
30 Degree Resolution (91 point spherical grid), crude 3D visualization
20 Degree Angular Resolution 3D Spherical Antenna Pattern Plot
20 Degree Resolution (190 point spherical grid), coarse grid size for 3D visualization
10 Degree Angular Resolution 3D Spherical Antenna Pattern Plot
10 Degree Resolution (703 point spherical grid), still practical test times while very good for 3D visualization
3D Spherical Antenna Pattern Plot
5 Degree Resolution (2701 point spherical grid), longer test time, for very detailed plots; Great for complex or high-directivity patterns; These plots are also preferred for publication or antenna marketing; At frequencies above 10 GHz, directional antennas (especially horns with gain >15 dBi) should be tested with 5 degrees of angular resolution

(The 3D plots above are all click to enlarge.) 

Your Antenna

Want to find out what your antenna pattern looks like? Partner with an antenna testing company and get results! Contact us here