We supply all customers with these interactive graphs for easy viewing of their 3D antenna test results. This single HTML file is opened in your browser to allow you to zoom, rotate, and pan your plots at any frequency. You can even download plots as graphic files. Simple! No special viewer software for anyone to install.
These are “engineering versions” graphs, and are included for FREE with your 3D test results. For customers who may want to embed these interactive plots into their own website with custom annotations and graphic overlays (logos or antenna photos), we provide this service for an addition $125 per dataset. Customization includes your logo (.jpg file with white background) and annotation text as you desire. Engineering plots are usually encoded at 800 pixels tall for stand-alone browser viewing. We recommend plot heights of 600 pixels for website embedding, as in this example below.
We can also render MP4 video files with swept frequency. We stitch together hundreds of different 3D gain plots at all of your test frequencies into a standard video file. You or your customers can visualize 3D patterns in broadband antennas simply by watching the video on your website or social media. You can easily pause and scrub back and forth to see your patterns at any test frequency.
We offer this service as an add on to any of our antenna tests for only $125 per data set. We can even make solid plastic print desktop models of your 3D measured antenna patterns with this service.
Check out some of these examples based on some popular public domain antennas that we have tested. Just press the Play > button in your browser.
With decades of antenna testing experience, we can create custom test programs and plots that other labs won’t touch. Take for instance this Kraken direction finding antenna. It has a variable length telescoping element that greatly influences VSWR and sideways gain over it’s operating range. Here it is evaluated at 31 different lengths while swept over frequency. The “heat map” of gain vs frequency vs length helps the user pick just the right element length for the job.