Antenna Test Lab Co offers swept RCS testing of small items, usually under 150 mm in size. We can evaluate reflectors, retroreflectors, lenses, polarizers, and materials from various angles, with swept frequency results from 4 to 40 GHz. We use a 1.5 meter test range and ultra broadband dual-polarized antennas (rated for 1 to 43.5 GHz). The measurement noise floor is approximately -25 dBsm (decibel square meters) through IFFT time gating. We typically calibrate with a 300 mm diameter sphere. Most measurements are quasi-monostatic, with small closely spaced (but separate) TX/RX antennas resulting in a minimal bistatic angle of 1 degree. Using two ultra-broadband quad ridge antennas allows our setup to fully explore both co-polarized and cross-polarized parameters.